Thursday, January 14, 2010

What I saw in Haiti

Steve's thoughts on Haiti:

I thought I knew poor people. I grew up among the Yanomamo people in Venezuela and they are poor. They have nothing. But when I made a trip to Haiti I met poor people. Compared to them, the Yanomamo are far from poor. They seemingly have nothing but when hungry they can hunt. They can and do grow gardens in the jungle. They are free to pick up and move anytime they want or need to.

The people in Haiti have no way out of their situation. They have no place to plant a garden. There aren't even any trees for shade. They have no where to move to. Jobs are scarce. They don't even have hammocks to sleep in like the Yanomamo. Many just sleep on the floor. No place to roam and hunt in. I saw a people with no hope at all in this world of ever improving their situation without outside help. And even then what can be done is limited. They live around what is a ravine that looks to have sewage flowing through it. And they even dip water from it.

Their hope is in the life to come through Jesus. And I saw a great need to help anyone there spreading His Good News. This is where my heart is and why we are so worried about Sherry Fausey who as of today has still not been heard from. There will be people from our mission going down there and I plan to be among them. I want to see this work of raising godly children in Haiti continue. Sherry took on teaching the children and then after the Hurricane disaster taking in live in orphans. Her goal is to make changes in the country by raising the children under God's principles and raising them with the needed education to change things around. Pray we find her well and then pray for the provision to rebuild or repair whatever the need is. Then this work can continue.

1 comment:

Rita Loca said...

Interesting, Clint and I were just discussing this very thing last night.
Praying for them all!