Monday, September 10, 2012

Wow, this has been an awesome trip in Haiti. The team work so hard. Martha almost got the whole second floor painted and it looks great. Dave got all of the electric on the second floor working and also got all of the plumbing fixed through out the house. Steve built 5 bunk beds, two twins and one king bed. He also built two beautiful tressel ? tables with benches. Danny screen all of the bed room windows and had a hand in everything. Donna planed every meal and kept us fed along with painting, cleaning and a lot of other things. Amber painted every day and was a joy to have around. Even tho we were so busy with the house we still had Danny preach Sunday morning, I shared a bible study with the Philippine UN, Debbie sung for them, We had two bible studies with the men here and the neighborhood, I had the privilege to lead one man to Christ, visited the sick and much more in ministry. God is so Good.

Friday, August 24, 2012


CHRISTMAS. Yes I don't like to start thinking about it yet either. But missionaries have to plan way ahead to get the stuff they need to them in time. I am going to be gathering items Sherrie Sherrill Blankenbehler Fausey is praying for to give to the children that have become her family. Here is her prayer list. Anyone want to give and help?
I have 280 children. This is what I want for Christmas:
100 baby dolls
150 toy trucks
100 games - no batteries needed
50 soccer balls
100 other bouncy balls
50 other lightweight toys
Various hair stuff & jewelry for older girls

Thursday, August 23, 2012

flights and storms

Steve is set to fly out Monday.  A storm has put itself in the way and we will be keeping our eye on Isaac.  As I write this Isaac has reached Haiti.  Please pray for the folks still living in tents.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Help us get Steve down to get the HOUSE OF HOPE up and running. First trip is 8/27-9/11. We need $632 immediately and then funds to cover expenses.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Time to travel again

Its time again.  Time to return to Haiti.  Steve thought he would be spending a great deal of time in Haiti this summer but that ended up not being the case.  He has been asked to go down in September.  It looks like it may be a few trips back to back.  We NEED your support.  Prayer and financial.  As details are finalized we will post them.  We do know it will be early in September and that is only a few weeks away.  We will need God’s provision in a big way and fast.
If you or anyone you know can give to help us help the folks in Haiti learn more about Jesus you can do so online.
DESIGNATED to Steven Dawson


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"Dear praying friends,

In April of 2006 a young man in the village got into a fight with his wife. He beat her savagely, and when her mother took up for her, he beat his mother in law, actually taking a machete and chopping her twice in the head. The lady's husband, the boy's father in law, was in church and when the service was over, people ran in to give him all the details. He told Gary and I that he was just going to go get his wife and go home that he had no desire to fight. When he did get to where his wife was, there was a large group of people all yelling at him to take his son in law in hand and show him he could not get away with chopping his mother in law. He insisted he did not want to fight and turned to go, but his son in law's family insisted he take care of the situation. He finally gave in and took the offered pole and hit his son in law a blow to the head and much to his surprise, and to the surprise of everyone in the place, his son in law fell unconscious and died a short time later. As you can imagine, the village was crazy. We were up all night praying and counseling trying to find some way of diffusing the situation.

The next morning, Gary and I were two lonely guys standing between the opposing sides of the village. it was real ugly with people urging the Rivas family to just run over us and knock us out of the way. It seems like we were staring death in the face, and things were tense but finally with God's help first one, than another turned to go home. I had hidden Jaime in my house all day and secretly got my boat and motor ready and found a neutral driver to sneak the boat away from the village and wait for us up river. Then we got jamie out of the house and spirited him away and up to where the boat was hidden. I can't tell you how relieved we all were to have him safely out of the village.

He has been living in exile ever since that time and has had a really good attitude about the whole affair. He never had intended to hurt the boy and at the same time knew the family had every right to demand his death. He has repeatedly asked if there were some way that he could make restitution and has asked the family for forgiveness. He has spent the time since this happened working in the church up in yajanamateli and to be honest, the Lord has really used him up there.  Part of the Rivas family are strong believers and they have forgiven Jamie and have urged the family to forgive him and to allow him to return but to no avail. It has been a closed subject.

Last Sunday, unknown to most in the village, Marcos, Jaime's cousin, went up to Yajanama to get Jaime. Bautista, Jaime's uncle almost died a month ago, and the family was worried that he was going to pass away and not get to see Jaime again, so Marcos took matters into his own hands and left to go get him. Like i said, most people in the village, Gary and I included did not know anything was going on. Well, they got home this evening and things are not good. We really covet your prayers for the situation. Gary and I met with the believers in the Rivas family and they are really worried that they are not going to be able to control the side of the family that is insisting on revenge. We prayed together asking God to intervene and show HIMSELF strong tomorrow morning. We ask that you all be much in prayer tomorrow right at dawn. This would be around 5 AM ven time, which would be 5:30 AM eastern.

Thanks for your prayers, this is of course only a brief accounting of all that has happened. This has been a black cloud over the village since the day it happened and we have all spoken about the need to forgive and restore. We have thought at different times we have been on the verge of a solution but it has always eluded us. Now for the last two months we have been meeting as a group of believers at 5:30 AM every morning and asking God to heal the village and give us a real revival. Honestly, looking at the last six years, this is where it does have to start, so my prayer is that this is God's timing and HE is going to do a real work. Pray with us.

your partners,

Michael and Keila"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Haiti calls

When Steve first went to Haiti he saw a people without hope.  He thought he knew poor people having grown up with the Yanomamö people in Venezuela who seem to have nothing.  But after he saw the people of Haiti he knew the Yanomamö had much much more.  They are a people that have the whole rain forest to live in.  Cool trees and clean water to cool off in.  A place to fish and grow food.  Meat to hunt and eat.  They can move and live in a new place anytime they want.    In Haiti this is not the story.  They are stuck in the small world they are in with no hope of improving their state.  They cannot even go to school because even with a public school system they have to pay to go school.  Each day they have to carry money to give the teacher.  No hope for the Haitian children.  EXCEPT with Jesus!  He brings them hope.  And oh! How they love Him!  Steve speaks of hearing singing coming down the street as the Pastor is on his way to church.  As he comes walking down the street others come out to greet him and begin to sing.  Voices lifting up praises to their Savior, the author and finisher of their Eternal Hope!  They are a joyful people despite their lack.
Sherrie Fausey came to Haiti to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  She began with a school to bring in those children that have no hope of going to school otherwise.  She has school for them at no charge.  Her desire is to raise up educated Christian young people to become leaders in the country and bring about change.  Her school was growing and flourishing.  She needed more room so groups began to go and help her add to her buildings.  This was when Steve first ventured to Haiti.  He helped work on a building that would be her school.  Then a few years ago the hurricane season seem to target Haiti.  One even came and sat on Haiti for several days.  An orphanage in a nearby village was destroyed.  The children were brought to Sherrie’s school.  That began the school/orphanage partnership that meant this building had to get done.
2 years ago last month the world literally shook apart when the earthquake rattled their world taking with it buildings, possessions and lives.  The only building left whole and standing was the new unfinished building.  Part of Sherrie’s house fell on a precious young boy and he was lost to them.  Some of her workers never came back to work and eventually it was found they too had been lost.  Compared to some, though, they did very well with just a few lives lost.  Most possessions were lost and Sherrie has had to start over.  At first funds flooded in to help but as time has gone by that slowed.  Rebuilding has been slow.  As she gets funds to continue she sends for Steve who has become her foreman.  He works well with the Haitian workers and keeps them going in the right direction.  Since this is the work he has been called to do He goes alone and travels back and forth.  We are being a part of the rebuilding of the school and orphanage that will raise up Godly leaders in Haiti.  We feel this is what God would have us doing.  We NEED your help.  Without God’s people supporting our part in this work we can’t be free to go when needed.  There were 4 trips last year.  Sherrie has sent for him again.  She had a flood of funds come in to start the next phase of the building.  The plan now is for him to go February 24 and spend the month of March there.  No building will go on in April as she holds Bible camps that month to keep the children out of Carnival (Mardi Gras).    Then he will return May or June for another month or so. 
Will you join us in this work?  Will you help these children have classrooms and bedrooms?  Will you help Sherrie have a home as she continues her work there?  We NEED YOU!!!    We must raise enough for expenses while Steve is gone.  And please consider regular monthly gifts as it hard to find work that he can come and go from.  When he comes back and begins to find work it is time to go again.  We need to have monthly  support so we can be ready to go when called.  We are open to going to other fields in support of other full time workers.  You can be a part in any work we take part in. 
We need you.  Is God speaking to your heart about the children in Sherrie Fausey’s school and orphanage?  Help us help them.
We need to raise $3000-$3500 for him to be gone 5-6 weeks.  Everything has gone up so much that a few years ago we needed $2000 per month support but not anymore.  We are believing God is going to supply this for him to leave in 2-2 ½ weeks.  Join us in believing and perhaps being a part of it.
Steve and Theda Dawson
111 Polk Ave.
Front Royal, VA  22620
giving online    designated to Steven Dawson

Send checks to:   designated to Steven Dawson
Christian Light Ministries
PO Box 23882
Jacksonville, FL  32241-3881

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Headed back again!

The orphanage in Haiti has received more funding to get started on the building again.  God opened up heaven and poured out His blessings on Sherry and her kids.  Now she is ready for Steve to return and help supervise the workers and help move the work forward.  We thought it was going to be late Feb. into March but things are progressing much faster.  She needs him to come ASAP.  Once again we are asking for your help to fund his trip and expenses.  We need heaven to open up on us to fill the void when he is not here working.  You can give online but today is the deadline for us to get it in February.