Friday, June 11, 2010

Prayer and Praises June 10, 2010

Hello from Haiti:

We have solar panels!!!!!  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!  No more electricity problems!!!!  First Southern Baptist Church in Liberal, Kansas bought everything for solar panels and shipped it to Haiti.  They came Sunday to install everything. 
We were concerned about it arriving on tine but it came out of customs on TuesdayPraise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!

The electricians are also wiring the first wing and putting up ceiling fans in the classrooms and apartments.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!  This will make everyone much more comfortable as no one has air conditioning here. 

Steve and his crew poured the concrete beams on the back wing.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!  The carpenter is putting up wood to pour the deck.

Summer school
has begun.  The 7th grade boys have class each day to finish math and science.  The orphanage children will be doing extra math books in English.  They asked for summer school and cheered when I found the math books.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a simple celebration for our Adult Literacy graduates this year.  I don't know if we still have graduation gowns or not, but we have some wonderful graduates.  Each graduate receives a Creole Bible - and now they can all read!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Please continue to keep Haiti in prayer.  Driving around we see many buildings being demolished by men with sledge hammers.  These were schools & businesses & homes.
We also see crews of people working on roads & bridges, etc. so progress is being made.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be flying to the USA on WednesdayPlease keep my travels in prayer.  I will be on the road from place to place a lot. 

God bless you,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

FW: Prayer and Praises June 3, 2010

Hello from Haiti:

Monday was the last day of school for this term.  It was a fun day.  We will have a small summer school.  Of course, school lunches will continue all summer.  Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!

We had a simple little graduation for our Adult Literacy class.  These are adults who never had a chance to go to school.  They have learned to read in Creole.  Each graduate will receive a Creole Bible.  Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!

We have our own transformer up on a pole.  Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!  It will be connected soon to EDH - goverment electricity.  We had been sharing a neighbor's transformer.  This was difficult because we moved when we lost our building and the lines were too long.  The school needs it's own transformer.

We lost most of the furniture for the orphanage in the earthquake.  The group from World Mission built cabinets for the children to keep their clothes in.  The group this week from CLF finished painting them and the children are using them.  They sure keep the rooms much neater!!!  Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!

First Baptist Church in Jacksonville
sent funding and a couple men to build a housefor Mr. Renal, the old man who sweeps my yard.  Some Virginia folks joined them to build a nice 2 room house.  Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!

Please keep the construction projects in prayer.  We want everyone to stay safe while we build the back wing.  The men are finishing my little apartment.  Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!

Please pray for a home for the orphanage.  A school is not a home.  I am still praying for the empty lot behind the school.  May God's will be done.

Please continue to pray for Jared & Amanda, and Amy as they prepare to come full time.  Please pray for Emily and Ross who will keep my children while I am away.

We still need teachers to come work alongside the Haitian teachers.  For these children to succeed, they need both American and Haitian teachers.  Is God calling you to a school year in Haiti?

 God bless you,