Monday, February 1, 2010

Count down to leaving

We showed some of the photos of the devastation at our church yesterday. They are planning to help take up supplies that are needed and to help financially so Steve can go be there for 2 months at a time.

It is hard to believe it is going to happen. It is hard being apart for that long but God wants him there. And we believe he is to go alone. We also both have peace about the whole thing. We know that the 2 months will go fast. Then he'll be home for a month or so and then go back. He will continue this until God says he is done there.

The needs there are so great. They are struggling to find food and water. They need tents to sleep in. Most buildings are damaged in some way it sounds like. The people are afraid to stay in them. It is very understandable after all they have been through.

Will Haiti ever be the same? Will lives be put back together? Only God knows and with His help we will do all we can.

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